What We Believe
"Mike and Marilyn have such a great gift and passion to see children know their true identity and to live the Kingdom culture, and they have such generous hearts that there is a wonderful harvest happening in the lives of children and families all over this world!"
- Debs Applin
Lighthouse Church, Dorsett, England

Our heart is to simply facilitate what we sense God is releasing and demonstrating in this hour on planet earth. This outpouring and its effect consists of these 3 aspects:

"Oh taste and see that the Lord is Good"
-Psalm 34:8
Personally encountering God's presence is key in truly knowing Him. It is in the stillness of encounter that the revelation and truth of God's character and nature is imparted by the Father Himself. This results in the creation of an intimate bond of trust, friendship, approachability and affection between Father and child.

"See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us that we would be called children of God"
- 1 John 3:1
Out of this trust relationship one can hear, recognize, and trust the Father's voice when He tells us who we really are in His sight: we are valuable, He delights in and approves of us, we bring Him much joy, and He is a proud Papa. We are no longer bound by an orphan spirit, but are sons and daughters, inheritors of all the Father has.

"Your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven"
- Matthew 6:10
Believing the reality of our true identity gives us permission to pursue our destiny: a healed and whole body that decalres to the world the good news of the gospel of the Kingdom by demonstrating God's love and power. The resulting fruit brings glory to the Father and His Son.
How We Do It
Leadership and teacher training
Regional and Individual Conferences: Adults , Children, Parents, and Family
In-House Leadership Ministry
Parent Empowerment
© 2023 Kids In His Presence